Hi Billygoat;sorry to hear you're getting them...I've suffered since childhood,but only when i'm upset,stressed or even really excited.I used to ride alot and got them before I went out;'cos I looked forward to it so much-even if it was everyday!But mainly I get the pain beginning in my right(always!)eye,slowly creeping up the scale in intensity until I feel as though i'll pass out with pain,and nausea.
I've tried tablets, but nothing works;it was weird to hear you say about the cool sheets!I have to get a cold compress and try to sleep; when I wake up they're usually gone,I find I can't wear any jewellery either,it feels too 'heavy' on my skin.I usually have to get undressed too.It's almost as though my skin is too sensitive.Deep breathing can help, even if it just calms your screeming nerves for a while.My daughter's teaching me to meditate as she's learning yoga at school, i'm hoping that'll do the same job on another level.Hope it's of some help-
Stay unstressed!XX